Course Tips

A few suggestions for how to work with this course:

1. Keep a journal—either a handwritten log, or an ongoing, easily accessible document on your computer where you can type in your thoughts as they arise. This is the place for you to keep exercises, practices, and your own reflections on your integration process. There will be a lot more about journaling in Week 2's Toolkit.

2. Make some time each week. This course isn’t just about taking in information; it’s about applying it. This takes time—so right now, take a moment to figure out what might fit best into your schedule. tt could be a check-in every morning or every other morning, or a longer chunk of time say one evening and one weekend morning, where you can dive into the readings and practices.

3. Pace yourself. Settle in for the long haul and find a steady rhythm that works for you. Some weeks you may have time to work through everything completely, others maybe not so much. Flag the practices or sections you want to come back to later. And know: you don’t have to do everything. I’ve included a tremendous amount of information, suggestions, and extra exercises, with the idea of giving you some choices.

4. Don’t expect perfection in your integration work. Rather than setting a high ideal that gets dashed in a few weeks, make a grounded commitment to stay with yourself, and stay with your process. If you find you’ve let days go by without thinking of this work, pick yourself up and get back on track again—no blame, no judgment.

5. Reach out. Check in with the Facebook Group to share your experiences and tune into what's happening with others—you can join it here. If something particularly gnarly arises in your process, a private integration session with me can rapidly cover a lot of ground and generate some personalized guidance for your situation (remember the 20% discount you get for the 10 weeks of the program).

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